Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Caffeine has been used by endurance athletes for years as a way to stay alert and improve endurance. It is one of the best-researched nutritional supplements, and the overwhelming scientific evidence suggests that, in moderation, it has no adverse health effects.

Caffeine Claims

  • Improves athletic performance
  • Increases energy
  • Delays fatigue
  • Improves fat burning by increasing fat metabolism
  • Spares muscle glycogen
  • Enhances body fat loss

Research Shows

  • Acts as a central nervous system (CNS) stimulant
  • Raises epinephrine levels
  • Increases alertness
  • Delays fatigue
  • May slightly spare muscle glycogen
  • Does not promote body fat loss

Tips and Cautions

  • 3-6 mg/kg of caffeine one hour prior to exercise improves overall endurance
  • Side effects include nausea, muscle tremor, palpitations and headache
  • Increases the effect of (potentiates) ephedrine side-effects so they should not be taken together.
  • Acts as a diuretic, so adequate fluid intake is crucial
Caffeine use is fairly common among athletes at all levels of competition. Keep in mind that caffeine is on the IAOC banned substance list, so athletes in international competition would be wise to moderate its use.

Article by Elizabeth Quinn

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Essential Fatty Acids - Omega 3 & 6

Our body cannot produce its own Omega Fatty Acids(Essential Fatty Acids), that's why its important for us to consume these supplements in our daily lives. Omega 3 & Omega 6 Fatty Acids are very important for our health as they help with :

Preventing Heart Disease
Reduce Joint Pain
Reduce Inflammation
Improve Lipolysis(metabolizing body fat --yeah, that one we hate)

Whats great about these supplements for exercisers is that it helps to reduce inflammation which is important for you to recover after your workout.

Sources of

Omega 3 Health Benfits

Rheumatoid arthritis

Omega 3 Fatty acids have been found to contain anti inflammatory qualities, many people who follow the Mediterranean style diets(which involves high consumption of lean meats and fish, as well as olive oils) tend to have lower rates of heart disease, higher good cholesterol(HDL) which help remove bad cholesterol from accumulating in your arteries.

Daily Dose

Omega 6(Flaxseed Oil) : 1Tablespoon
Omega 3(Fish Oil) : consume around 2-3g if you're lean, and 6-9 if you're heavy)
Extra Virgin Olive Oil : 2-4 teaspoons daily

* I would suggest consuming the EFA in tablet form as its more convenient for you.

Fats in General

Don't avoid fats, well you can avoid the bad fats but make sure you incorporate the goods fats in your body as they're very important to ensure a healthy lifestyle.

Saturday, July 24, 2010


HMB - beta-Hydroxy betamethylbutyrate

A relatively new supplement thats is a metabolite of amino acid Leucine.

What it does

Its main function is to create muscle tissue. HMB helps increase the rate of uptake of protein consumed after a workout while at the same time preventing atrophy(breakdown of muscle tissue)

HMB studies have shown that those who exercise and consumed HMB daily for 3wks, actually were able to increase their bench press 3x

HMB also enhances muscular strength and endurance, accelerates fat loss, and increases lean muscle mass.

HMB also reduces LDL Cholesterol (Bad Cholesterol)

How to take it?

Recommended dose = 3g daily.
Take before training or just before bed.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Your Blood Type

After 23 years of diddle daddaling, actually I'm still diddle daddaling, I finally found out my blood type.

I am AB+, which is known as the universal recepiant. I can accept blood donations from any blood type, however I can only donate blood to specific blood group (my own)

Anywyas, I was reading up on blood types the other day(refreshing my mind on the topic) and discovered some interesting articles on the subject of Blood Types

There are some who determine characteristics based on your blood type, similar to horoscopes.

Another article discussed blood types and diets

I will post an article up soon for those interested

Live Forever


Thursday, January 14, 2010

Haiti Relief Fund

For anyone who frequents this blog, is a fan, or has just stumbled upon this page, please take a moment and reflect on what has occurred in Haiti.

There are moments in our lives when we can help those who cannot help themselves, most jump at the opportunity to help those in need. The situation in Haiti requires help from all, please forward this page to everyone you know. An event like this requires aid from the entire International Community.

If you can help, please donate to any of these organizations below. The country is in desperate need and can use all the help it can get.

Here are three ways you can help

1 - Donate your time, volunteer if you can
2 - Donate Blood
3 - Donate Money

In this time of need, lets not be known as the generation who stood by and did nothing.

American Red Cross


You can also donate via Text


Supporters can text "Haiti" to 90999 to donate $10 to the Red Cross that goes directly to Haiti Relief.

The Salvation Army - Canadian Branch


The Salvation Army in Canada is sending $100,000 US in aid and has started a fundraising campaign.

World Vision Canada

World Vision is preparing to distribute emergency supplies to those affected by the earthquake. World Vision has been working in Haiti for over 30 years, helping an estimated 300,000 Haitians each year to overcome poverty through providing access to education, clean water and nutrition, as well as helping families with medical care.






UNICEF Canada is taking donations for the earthquake in Haiti. An income tax receipt will be issued for all donations $25 or more. For donations less than $25, receipts will be issued upon request. Please email secretary@unicef.ca or call 1-800-567-4483.

Hope for Haiti


Plan Canada

Plan Canada has been operating in Haiti for nearly 40 years. Donations can be made by calling 1-800-387-1418.
Contacting family members, friends

For inquiries about relatives living and who have citizenship in Haiti, please be patient and call repeatedly until the lines clear or contact other family members who live nearby. Telephone, Internet and other communication lines are often disrupted in times of disaster.

People trying to locate U.S. citizens living or traveling in Haiti should contact the U.S. Department of State, Office of Overseas Citizens Services, at 1-888-407-4747 or (202) 647-5225.

Canadians attempting to contact family members or friends in Haiti can call the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade emergency operation centre at 1-800-387-3124, or inquire by email at sos@international.gc.ca.

DFAIT is also advising Canadians who need assistance in Haiti to travel to the Canadian Embassy in Port-au-Prince on Delmas Road, between Delmas 75 and 71. Canadians can also contact embassy officials by calling 613-996-8885.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Supplements for the Heart

(picture courtesy of wikipedia)
We all know what the function of the heart, and if not I will briefly inform you. This article is an educational tool only, you should always consult with your doctor about using supplements.

The Heart is a muscular organ located to the left of the middle of the chest. It is roughly the size of your fist and helps to deliver blood around your body. Blood carries essential nutrients and oxygen as well as removes wastes from the body ex Carbon Dioxide.

The heart acts as a pump that works in two stages.

Stage 1
The right side of your heart receives blood that is returning from delivering nutrients and oxygen to the rest of your body. The blood is known as deoxygenated blood, this blood returns from the rest of the body and travels to the right side of your heart where the Heart will pump the blood to the lungs in order to become OXYGENATED(oxygen rich).

Stage 2
Once the blood becomes oxygenated it travels back to the heart via the Left Side, and is pumped now to the rest of your body

This cycle then repeats.

Now that you know that, you'll know how important it is to keep the vital organ healthy.

Here are a few supplements for healthy hearts.


Omega 3 Fatty Acids have been discussed on this blog before, you can read up on them in more detail. Omaega 3 Fatty Acids are found in fish and help to reduce lipids found in your blood such as Cholesterol and Trigycerides(which are killers, bad bad bad). Those lipids found in the body will harden around the arteries and will eventually decrease blood flow and increase blood pressure which can ultimately lead to a heart attack. Omega 3 Fatty Acids help decrease the rate of build up of these lipids around the arteries. For those who have high triglyceride levels, should be consuming Omega 3 supplements or fish(which I would recommend more than supplements as they contain other beneficial nutrients)

Sources of Omega 3 - Salmon, Tuna, Mackerel, Eggs labeled Omega 3 rich(chickens fed a diet of greens), Grass Fed Beef or Lamb ir Chicken,

Dosage: A serving of fish twice a week or 1,000 mg daily

Vitamin D

A lack of Vitamin D has been associated to unhealthy hearts, higher diabetes rate, high triglycerides, higher blood pressure, and an increase in cardiovascular risks. Some people don't receive enough of this vitamin because of lack of exposure to sunlight and are deficient of this vitamin.

Dosage: 400 to 800 IU of vitamin D3

Food sources: Dairy products and oily fish like salmon and tuna

Try to get out in the sun, as Vitamin D can be produced by our skin

Niacin(Vit B3)

Niacin helps reduce cholesterol, triglycerides, BAD VLDL(very low density lipoprotein), BAD LDL(Low Density Lipoprotein) and increase GOOD HDL(High Density Lipoproteins)

So to summarize

Reduces Bad Cholesterol - VDLD, LDL, & Triglycerides

Increases Good Cholesterol - HDL

Niacin helps to prevent fat being broken down in the body and absorbed into our bloodstream. This prevents fats from entering our bloodstream and hardening over time. It instead increases the good HDL levels in our blood which travel the bloodstream and help remove bad cholesterol from the blood. Niacin also helps to ensure proper functioning of the nervous system, the digestive tract, and the brain.

So Win Win Win

The recommended daily intake of niacin is just a mere 14-16 mg for adult women, 16-20 mg for men, 18 mg/day for pregnant or breast-feeding women.. This small amount can easily be taken from the daily diet. However, those who are deficient (for one reason or another) would need a lot more than just this RDA amount. In the same way, women who are pregnant or breastfeeding slightly need a lot more.

The upper limit for adult men and women is 35 mg/day which is based on flushing as the critical adverse effect, this dose-dependent flushing effect consist of a single episode right after (10 to 20 minutes) niacin is taken.

Foods with Niacin

Niacin is found in variety of foods including liver, chicken, beef, fish, cereal, peanuts and legumes and is also synthesized from tryptophan, which is found in meat, dairy and eggs.

Animal products:

* liver, heart and kidney
* chicken
* beef
* fish: tuna, salmon
* milk
* eggs

Fruits and vegetables:

* avocados
* dates
* tomatoes
* leaf vegetables
* broccoli
* carrots
* sweet potatoes
* asparagus


* nuts
* whole grain products
* legumes
* saltbush seeds


* mushrooms
* brewer's yeast

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Weird message

This is the first time I have ever encountered this browser message before, it's also the first time I've realized how humanized the Internet has become

Live Forever
