If you're interested in taking supplements to help achieve your ideal body, then this blog will be of use to you. I've been using exercise supplements for about 4 - 6 years, I have a Bac. in Health Science and have a keen interest in exercise and the human body.
The blog will be to help explain some supplements you've overheard from the Gym Rats in the change room, it will also introduce you to some new supplements that you might want to incorporate to your exercise and dietary regiment. That way you'll have some knowledge of what the function of 'x supplement' is, and won't be duped into spending major dollars at the supplement stores.
There are many different types of exercises that have specific functions such as
-Increase size
-Energy boosts
-Increase Endurance
-Assist in recovery
Background Information to Supplements

1) The Food & Drug Administration(FDA) does not have any control over the supplement industry, nor does it regulate the supplements. The FDA is a US based government agency that is responsible for regulating and supervising the safety of foods, drugs, vaccines, biological medical products, blood products, medical devices, radiation-emitting devices, veterinary products, and cosmetics.
They'll only get involved with supplements if something terrible occurs like deaths or illnesses.
2) Supplements can be very expensive and unnecessary, as a majority of the active ingredients can be found in food sources. Supplements are usually taken if someone is deficient of a nutrient or require a supplement because those nutrients are not found in their regular diets(ex. Vegetarians).
3) The manufactures of these supplements are not regulated by the FDA, so they DO NOT NEED TO CLAIM/PROVE THAT THEIR PRODUCTS EVEN WORK. No scientific research is even required.
4) These supplements are not quick solutions to increase size or endurance, they have to be consumed over a long period of time to notice results. You won't become Brad Pitt in a matter of 2wks by taking some supplement or gimmick diet pills. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS THE MAGIC BULLET!
NOTE - 'Magic Bullet' is a term used in medicine to describe the theory the general mass believes that a pill will cure all their solutions right away.
You should incorporate supplements to assist your diet and exercise plan. I believe that a proper diet and an effective exercise program that targets endurance, flexibility, and strength will be adequate enough...
I'd consider supplements to be 'the tip of the iceberg'

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